The one with title Pencil Sketching/Sketsa Pensil are based on Thomas.C.Wang book : Pencil Sketching. :'Īll of the pictures above are made for fulfilling our task. There are much more good picture, but sadly the picture resolution arent enough. Ps:random pick!i have no right to judge peoples drawing. I always love Venice, (wish could make it there one day) thats how i come with idea to sketching water city :3Īll of those are copyright of Farrah Eriska, Architecture Engineering University Of Sriwijaya Do you know what castle is it?well, i tend to be one part of hogwarts building ^^ Sketsa bebas, menggambar bebas~ satu hal berbeda sebagai mahasiswa arsitektur, walau judulnya "bebas" gak ada yang gambar dua gunung, tengahnya matahari, bawahnya sawah dan sungai._. One of my favourite drawing, my lecturer help me get the shading corrected. This place where i studied about Architecture. Ladie and gentleman, this is it.backside dari bangunan Program Studi Arsitektur Universitas Sriwijaya. Inspirasi gambar ini adalah rumah-rumah panggung yang saya lewati tiap hari dalam perjalanan ke kampus. Sketsa foreground ini mulai mempelajari tehnik pembingkaian gambar, dalam gambar ini pohon di bagian depan (foreground) dimaksudkan sebagai bingkai. and un-identified meaning handmade interior.LOL

Dengan begitu, sketsa melibatkan kedalaman jiwa dan kepekaan dari suatu intuisi seseorang terhadap suatu objek yang akan direkam. Hell yeah this is my room, my sacred bed room :D well, that should be bunch of parfume and other mystical bottles & jar on that drawer. Menurut Oesman Effendi, pengertian sketsa adalah suatu perpaduan dari proses melihat, merasakan, menghayati, berpikir, ekspresi, empati, serta bersikap. Kami diminta menggambar kamar masing-masing. Tugas kali ini adalah perspektif mata normal. Tugas ini dimaksudkan agar kami memahami cara si penggambar menarik garis (at least that was what i think, im sorry if im mistaken) Have you ever saw that picture?well, if you ever read Pencil Sketching by Thomas C Wang you must be kind of familiar with this one, because the theme of this task is : try to re-draw a sketch from pencil sketching. The lecturer showed us a photo of room interior, and asked us to sketching those sofas in only a few minutes. Im only a beginner, and will kindly accept any critics and comments. Im sorry if you found this isnt amusing or what, but i feels kind of proud with those sketch.

So, this post contains a few of my sketch(and my friend's) that i draw for the sake of my grade on "Menggambar Arsitektur" subject. This may just another post of picture spamming, not really spam-y of course.

Just talked to my senior about my blog and she said it could be good idea if i posting something related to my course that i take.